SUZY ASHWORTH is a mindset and business coach – and mother of three – whose mission is to tell women that they can do anything that they want to do. Bored of British winters, and keen to show her children a life beyond limitations, in January she took her family on an adventure to Mexico.

Live a life beyond limitations My job is to help women achieve economic freedom through their businesses. In order to do that you have to work on your mindset, and you have to have business-growth strategies and tactics.
You can do anything you set your mind to Getting pregnant with Cesar, now 8, was a wake-up call that
I was now responsible for a new human being and I wanted to be authentic in my words to him: you can live the life you want to
live and do anything you want to do. But you can’t have that conversation without looking at your own life. I asked myself, is my job really what I would do if I could choose anything? And the answer was no.
I wasn’t sure what I wanted But I was sure I didn’t want to spend the next ten years away from my kids doing a job that didn’t light me up from the inside out. The next step was to retrain. So I retrained as a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist. And I just put one foot in front of the other again and again and again. I had no idea where I’d end up.
My school education was so limited I did GCSEs but dropped out after my mum passed away during my A levels. Then I went travelling for four years, and that’s where I really got my education. That’s not to say I’m anti-learning, I’m learning all the time.
Keep exploring and keep being curious I’ll be in a different place in five years’ time. It’s an evolution.
We are built for expansion and growth. It’s a cliché, but enjoy the journey. I honestly feel I have a deeper understanding of that than ever because as soon as you get to where you want to go, you then need to grow again, so if you’re not enjoying it there’s no point.
That’s how we ended up here in Mexico Our new home is rough around the edges but there’s a pool in the backyard, so who’s complaining? We are living in a real sleepy beach town in Mexico.
It wasn’t a hard decision to take the kids out of school They are so young and I felt it would open their eyes to another culture. The only thing that’s important to me is that Cesar – who is the eldest – has at least a year back in mainstream education before he moves to secondary school, so he can go up with some pals.
They are learning things that will set them up for life They are navigating a whole new world and their confidence has grown dramatically. Aluna, who is 3, was swimming on her own. It’s challenging for them to be away in a country where they speak another language, and to eat different food. They are becoming more rounded human beings.
Education sets kids up to follow the rules But with creativity you have to break rules. It doesn’t set people
up to be curious or teach you how to live beyond your confines.
At school, you have to have blinkers on and you have to pass tests. But success isn’t how high you come in class. We have to learn how to thrive in a non-cubical world.
I believe faith plus action equals miracles Self-belief is the foundation of all success and the foundation of everything you do. But you cannot just believe in yourself without taking any action. Choose to believe in yourself, and take action on that belief. Do that again and again and again and again and magical things will happen.
Get to know yourself better on one of Suzy’s retreats, next in Barcelona in May 2020. Find out more at